简答题:根据以下材料,回答46-50题 Science has often associated solitude wi
Science has often associated solitude with negative outcomes. Freud linked it with anxiety. John Cacioppo, a modern social neuroscientist, contends that, beyond damaging our thinking powers, isolation can even harm our physical health. (46) But increasingly scientists areapproaching solitude as something that, when pursued by choice, can prove therapeutic.
This is especially true in times of personal turbulence, when the instinct is often for people to reach outside of themselves for support. "When people are experiencing crisis it's not always just about you: It's about how you are in society," explains Jack Fong, asociologist who has studied solitude. "(47) When people take these moments to explore their solitude, not only will they be forced to confront who they are, they just might learn a little bit about how to gain an advantage over some of the toxicity that surrounds them in a social setting."
In other words, when people remove themselves from the social context of their lives, they are better able to see how they're shaped by that context. Much of this self-reconfiguring happens through what Fong calls "existentializing moments," mental sparkles of clarity which can occur during inward-focused solitude. "When you have these moments, don't fight it. Accept it for what it is. Let it emerge calmly and truthfully and don't resist it," Fong says. "Your alone time should not be something that you're afraid of."
Yet, at the same time, it is not only about being alone. "It's a deeper internal process," notes Matthew BoWker, a psychoanalytic political theorist who has researched solitude. (48)Productive solitude requires internal exploration, a kind of labor which can be uncomfortable, even tormenting.
Yet today, in our hyper-connected society, Bowker believes that solitude is more devalued than it has been in a long time. He points to a recent study at the University of Virginia in which several participants chose to subject themselves to electric shock rather than be alone with their thoughts. Bowker sees this heightened distaste for solitude playing out in pop culture as well. (49) And even though many great thinkers have championed the intellectual and spiritual benefits of solitude, many modern humans seem intent on avoiding it.
True solitude does not necessarily require an absence of distractions. Rather,"the value of solitude depends on whether an individual can find an interior solitude within themselves", says Bowker. "We've become a more groupish society. We're drawn to identity-markers and to groups that help us define ourselves. In the simplest terms, this means using others to fill out our identities, rather than relying on something internal, something that comes from within," Bowker says. (50) The difference between solitude as refreshment and solitude as suffering is the quality of self-reflection that one can generate while in it, and the ability to come back to social groups when one wants to.