STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) touches all parts of our culture. All children need some form of STEM——whether they choose to pursue a career in it or not——so that they can be pilots and not just passengers in this technological age. A quality education in these all—important technical fields nurtures the asking of questions, which will prepare future citizens to navigate societal shifts caused by the technologies that are created.
Critical thinking——which is a STEM virtue that is employed by inventors to build technologies——should also be applied to the technologies that they build.Technology shapes society, and such an analysis is imperative at all stages of design. Scientists and inventors don't commonly ponder outcomes of their inventions. But they, as well as society, must consider that what we make has consequences——intended and unintended. Those who study STEM are not trained with the skills to assess the impacts of their innovations, but they should be.
It isn't their fault entirely. Students are doing what they are taught to do and following the Silicon Valley norm to seek forgiveness, not permission. With technologies such as driverless cars on the horizon, students will take away the steering wheel. Deep in the algorithms of driverless cars will be decisions of who survives an accident and who does not. Coders should not be making these decisions without conversations with philosophers and ethicists. STEM was created to merge isolated technical fields, but its next step is not to be separated from the rest of the world.
Most Americans give STEM education in K-12 classrooms a middling grade. And, half of American adults believe that more students do not pursue a STEM degree in college because they perceive the field's subjects as too hard. Classrooms are only part of the dilemma. Outside the classroom, YouTube videos, motivated to acquire "likes" and "follows," focus on showing science amusements and oddities. Moreover there is the 0verall conundrum of communicating science: Scientists earn advance degrees often without the tools to explain science to the public. And the public, in turn, seeks out spectacle.
There are also those who have the ability to engage audiences but sometimes do not have the science expertise to illustrate the nuance of the concepts they explain. There is a disconnection between learning STEM and being entertained by it. As such, students do not come away with a deeper understanding of STEM or gain an awareness of the responsibility its practice possesses.
We need to put STEM into a larger system, and doing so requires a dose of the humanities. STEM should be inclusive; it should be mission-driven to make all student critical thinkers; it should have a social and humanities component; and lastly, its final products must have oversight. If not, STEM education is nothing more than making more gears for a machine that will eventually surpass humanity and manifest a future without a place for everyone in it.
In Paragraph 2, the author advocates applying critical thinking to______.
A building new technologies.
B considering the impacts of inventions.
C assessing STEM education.
D appraising scientists and inventors.