根据下面资料,回答21-25题 St.Valentine's Day ①February 14, St. Valenti
St.Valentine's Day
①February 14, St. Valentine' s Day, is a special day for lovers. Valentines are cards--usually red and shaped like hearts--with messages of love written on them.
②The origins of this holiday are uncertain, but according to one legend, it gets its name from a Christian priest named Valentine who lived in Rome during the third century after Christ. His job was to perform marriages for Christian couples. Unfortunately, the Emperor of Rome, Claudius 11, did not allow Christian marriages, so they had to be performed in secret. Eventually Valentine was arrested and put into prison. While in prison he fell in love with the daughter of the prison guard.
③After one year, the Emperor offered to release Valentine if he would agree to stop performing these secret marriages. Valentine refused, so the Emperor sentenced him to death. Valentine was killed in 270 AD on February 14, the same day the Romans worshipped their goddess of marriage,Juno. Before he was killed, Valentine sent a love letter to the daughter of the prison guard. He signed the letter "from your Valentine". That was the first valentine.
④The next valentine was sent in 1415 AD. Charles, Duke of Orleans, sent the valentine to his wife while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. His valentine is now on exhibit in the British
Museum. The first commercially printed valentines did not appear until 1809. The "Golden Age" of valentines began in the 1840s when valentine makers started making elaborate and expensive valentines.
⑤Today, millions of Americans send and receive valentines on St. Valentine' s Day. Whether it is an expensive heart-shaped box of chocolates from a secret admirer or a simple handmade card from a child, a valentine is a very special message of love.
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