根据下面资料,回答21-25题 After years of murmuring for change in US education, the COVID-1
A results partly from social inequalities B is wider in urban areas than in the suburbs C was barely visible before the pandemic D has contributed to social disorder
根据下面资料,回答21-25题 After years of murmuring for change in US education, the COVID-1
A should be given greater autonomy B help promote educational equality C will squeeze out public schools soon D are more exam-oriented than public schools
根据下面资料,回答21-25题 After years of murmuring for change in US education, the COVID-1
A aid underprivileged students in school choice B expand student enrollments in public schools C improve the education quality of public schools D inject generous funding into traditional schools
根据下面资料,回答21-25题 After years of murmuring for change in US education, the COVID-1
A its potential risk to widen the educational divide B the difficulty to promote innovations in education C the necessity of broader access to quality education D the need for tougher regulation in the education sector
根据下面资料,回答21-25题 After years of murmuring for change in US education, the COVID-1
A supportive B tolerant C disappointed D ambiguous
根据以下材料,回答26-30题 Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and
A to bring up the topic of fossil fuels and renewable energy B to explain why renewable energy are better than fossil fuels C to pay special attention to the Chief Executive officer D to emphasize the importance of renewable energy
根据以下材料,回答26-30题 Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and
A It is possible to replace fossil fuels with cleaner fuels now. B Fossil fuels are more efficient and environmentally friendly. C Environmentalists hold that fossil fuels produce greenhouse gas. D The perfect source of renewable energy has been found.
根据以下材料,回答26-30题 Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and
A India has been the fastest-growing market for renewable energy globally B the top two countries leading the renewable energy markets are in Asia C the developed countries have benefited most from renewable energy D India has ranked the highest in its growth rate of renewable energy
根据以下材料,回答26-30题 Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and
A optimistic B sensitive C gloomy D scared
根据以下材料,回答26-30题 Countries must creatively complement the use of fossil fuels and
A Fossil Fuels May Be the Best Source of Energy Globally B Ways of Continuing Using Fossil Fuels As the Major Source of Energy C Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy Will Continue to Play Complementary Roles D Fossil fuels Going Nowhere, Renewable Energy Going Everywhere